Why is PAT Testing Important?


Keeping your employees safe while at work is a fundamental part of running a business. From large corporations and commercial enterprises, to start-ups and educational facilities, all workplaces are required by law to follow the Electricity at Work Act 1989. Within this legislation, all electrical appliances must undergo PAT Testing – Portable Appliance Testing – to ensure that employees and customers are protected from any potential electric shocks, accidents, or fire risks. At One Way here in Stoke, our engineers are highly experienced in providing regular PAT Testing to a range of appliances, from huge computer servers to small electrical kitchen devices.

What Happens During PAT Testing?

During a PAT Test, our electrical contractors will begin by studying the appliance for any obvious signs of damage, such as broken plugs, loose wiring, or burnt-out fuses. We then use our specialist PAT Testing equipment to check the device’s insulation resistance, lead polarity and earth continuity. If the appliance is deemed to be electrically safe, it will be awarded a green PAT sticker as a ‘pass’ mark. For those items that are no longer electrically compliant, they will receive a red ‘fail’ sticker, and our engineers will advise that they are removed from service with immediate effect. A record of these results will be provided to you, along with the date of testing.

How Often Do I Need PAT Testing?

It is wholly dependent on the type of sector that your business lies within, and the types of appliances that you possess, that depends on how often testing is required. For many workplaces, such as schools and educational settings, it is vital that PAT Testing is carried out annually on some higher-risk items. However, some appliances will only require testing to be done as often as every 48 months. At One Way, our skilled engineers can recommend the frequency of PAT Testing for each piece of equipment, dependent on the type of electrical class of the appliance.

Contact Us

To enquire about PAT Testing for your workplace in Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Cheshire or Manchester, contact one of our NICEIC, CHAS, PASMA, and IPAF certified engineers today. Call us on 01782 595 600 or email info@onewayelectrical.co.uk and our expert advisors can assist you in making your business safety compliant.

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