What Makes A Good Mains Distribution System?


One Way have been providing mains distribution systems to commercial clients for many years and as we have worked with various panel manufacturers, we know exactly how to recognise a good system when we see one. There are three main qualities that underpin a good power distribution system and they are safety, efficiency and reliability.


Given the powerful and potentially lethal nature of mains electrical supplies, all our electrical contractors in Stoke take the safety of our installations very seriously.  Our installations are carried out by professionals who are accredited by NICEIC and CHAS, with both organisations placing a huge emphasis on the health and safety responsibilities of their members. In order to obtain memberships from these prestigious bodies, our electrical engineers have undertaken training specific to their role and have completed the relevant qualification, so you can rest assured that your distribution installation is in safe hands.


As with anything in business, efficiency is key to the success of a system. If something is working efficiently then generally speaking it is providing a cost-effective and productive service – which is true of our power distribution systems. By using a variety of panel manufacturers and designing a bespoke system for each client, we can distribute electricity in a way that is simple, effective and best suited to the unique requirements of the premises. If you are concerned about the efficiency of your system, you can always employ our electrical contractors in Stoke to test this with our load monitoring service.


Closely related to efficiency and high on the list of concerns is the reliability of a mains distribution system. Businesses rely on electricity in order to run and thus their power distribution system must consistently deliver, particularly in busy periods. Power outages or surges can not only be a huge inconvenience but can cost time and money which can hinder the business and damage reputation. Our Electrical contractors in Stoke are completely confident in the systems we provide and use years of industry experience to develop solutions that we know businesses can rely on and with our maintenance packages, we are on hand to better your system as methods evolve.

If you would like to know more about our mains distribution packages, call us today on n 01782 595 600.

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