Spotlight: Led Lighting Installations


One Way prides itself on working with all of our clients individually, to design a service that is bespoke to their unique business requirements. All businesses vary whether it be in industry, size or work practice and so different companies will require different electrical installations. The LED lighting installations we provide in Derbyshire, covers all types of commercial clients, from small offices to enormous factories, and everything in between!

Survey & Design

Our LED lighting installation in Derbyshire, kicks off with a site survey where our expert contractors walk through the premises and identify the key areas and their lighting needs. Once we have gathered all the relevant information such as operating hours, company size, light level required and so on, we begin the design process, using the meticulous site survey as our basis. We document the recommended fittings, their positions within the premises and advise on any energy-saving extras such as timeclocks, that can be added.

Installation & Costings

Using their years of experience and extensive product knowledge, our contractors don’t just come up with a cost of the project but can also come up with lifetime costs of the installation. By considering lamp life, light depreciation over time, site visit frequency and energy consumption we are able to offer a realistic prediction on future maintenance costs and also show how savings are achievable when making a switch to LEDs.


As part of our LED lighting installations in Derbyshire, we can offer maintenance packages to keep the fittings and fixtures in top working order. Aside from regular testing and repairs when necessary, we also offer a number of services such as electrical load monitoring and Electrical Installation Conditioning Report that can help reduce the cost and consumption of the LED lighting as well as other elements of the businesses electrical network.

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