Our 15 Point Electrical Compliance Survey


One Ways’ electrical contractors offer businesses and commercial companies a 15-point electrical compliance survey that is a sort of electrical MOT! The package includes the 4 of our key maintenance services and can help businesses to comply with health and safety, as well as insurance requirements, keeping the business and staff as safe as possible. By combining these 4 key areas of maintenance, businesses can get them all done at once which saves time, money and hassle later down the line.

Electrical Installation Conditioning Report (EICR)

The first step of our contractors is to complete an EICR which involves the inspection of the consumer fuse boards, wiring and earthing and bonding techniques. By evaluating how safe, efficient and the internal systems are, then producing a report with the findings, businesses can see where the high consumers are, any inefficiencies that might be costing money and any faulty systems that are posing a risk.

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)

As well as testing the fixed electricals, our 15-point compliance survey tests all portable appliances, from computers and printers through to kettles and toasters. All items must pass a PAT test and are attributed a label, with the date of the last test and the date of the next required test, so companies can see at a glance, the safety record of their appliances. This part of compliance is extremely important, as portable appliances pose the most direct threat to employees, who handle them multiple times each day.

Fire Alarm Maintenance

Every business is required to regularly test their fire alarm systems, to ensure that they’re working to properly protect everyone within the building. Our maintenance team can offer professional insight into the capabilities of a businesses system, whether we installed it or not. After we have completed testing and inspection, we will create a report that can be stored in the fire log and used to evidence the correct health and safety steps have been taken.

Emergency Lighting Maintenance

Much like with fire alarm, emergency lighting should be tested by a professional once a year, to ensure that the battery they are powered on is at capacity, so in the event of a power outage, the lighting will remain on.

For more information about our 15-point compliance survey call us on 01782 595 600 today.

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