Light Up This Winter


With winter just around the corner and shorter, darker days fast approaching, lighting up commercial business premises is a must for keeping the staff and the building safe. Proper illumination of darker areas is extremely important at this time of year as the working day starts and ends in darkness, posing a risk to all those on site. Our emergency lighting company can help design, install and maintain a businesses lighting depending on their needs

Outside Brightness

In the later parts of the year, low light levels and wetter conditions can pose a trip hazard to staff and visitors arriving at a premise. Not only could this result in an unforeseen injury but could lead to legal investigations or health and safety breaches, which can damage a business’s reputation and be extremely costly. Prevent these mishaps by ensuring that entrances, pathways and carparks are well lit, using bright and cost-effective LED lighting that provide a greater level of safety. If these installations are already in place, then ensuring they are well maintained is key to getting the most from them, clearing them of obstructive dirt and debris and carrying out any necessary repairs.

Emergency Lighting

All businesses require some level of emergency lighting, whether it is just emergency escape signage or a combination of complex hazardous area lighting. If emergency lighting were to fail in the winter, it could have disastrous effects, with lower levels of natural light available to proceed safely. It’s more important than ever at this time of year to employ an emergency lighting company like us, to ensure that emergency lighting is properly maintained and that the back up battery is working adequately.

For more information about our emergency lighting company and the services we provide, call our team on 01782 595 600.

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