Why it is important not to overload your electrical system


Winter usually means cold, blustery weather although the last few years have seen mild, wet weather conditions that could be put down to ‘global warming’. Add festivities to the mix and you have the recipe for an overloaded system with potentially fatal consequences. That applies to you as well as your electrics.

We recommend you avoid both although losing a few extra pounds gained over Christmas is child’s play compared to blown fuses, melted wires or the worst-case scenario, burnt-out premises due to a fire.

Lighting up the workplace

Despite businesses being lit up like Blackpool illuminations against the darker landscape, we endorse a bit of pre-planning to ensure you stay safe and not worry about short circuits and electrical fire hazards.

Careful electrical system loading

Never overload sockets by plugging in too many appliances and this includes extra heaters to keep the office or warehouse warm. Use an extension lead instead of a block adaptor but remember to check the maximum power rating. Most 4-way extension leads have a 13-amp power rating but there are a few that are only 10-amp. The power rating should be displayed on the extension lead but if not, check with the manufacturer.

Never plug one extension lead into another – it’s surprising how often this occurs even though people are aware of the dangers of doing so.

If you are not sure what the power ratings are for your appliances visit the Electrical Safety Council website.

Check the condition of your cables, wiring, sockets, fuse boxes, light switches and timers. And remember the appliances in the kitchen and or toilet areas e.g. kettles and microwaves. Look for signs of wear and tear or damage – such as scorch marks, fraying or broken leads and wiring – and replace where necessary. Always switch off any appliances if they are not in use, especially in preparation for when the business isn’t operating with staff and equipment during holidays and weekends.

Detailed inspection

A visual inspection of electrical items is a good safety measure but to make absolutely certain, conduct a PAT test. PAT testing is a tried and tested inspection process in which an electrician (or other qualified person) tests equipment using a checklist.

Find out more about PAT testing here.

There isn’t a legal requirement to do so but it can prevent an electrical injury, e.g. shock and the consequent legal action. We can arrange PAT testing at a time to suit you with no disruption to the day-to-day business.

If you would like to talk to someone about workplace safety, our qualified, experienced staff will help and advise you.

Complete the online form or email us info@onewayelectrical.co.uk.  Alternately, call us on 01782 595 600.

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