Cable Containment for Data Cabling


Most businesses rely on data in one format or another be it a simple internet connection or a full-blown server situation. Ensuring that your data cabling is well installed and protected by an adequate source of containment is vital to keeping the phones ringing, computers running and servers serving! One Way have a team of experts who can keep fibre optic cables and data cables safe from hazards using our helping to secure the best network performance for businesses.

Choosing the Correct Containment

Our data cabling service in Stoke offers bespoke cable containment solutions based on our client’s requirements. Different types of cable require different types of containment and there are a vast range of solutions available, but if an inappropriate system is chosen, either for the location or the type of cables within, then your business could experience catastrophic outages later down the line. Aside from the sort of cable, the type of property also requires consideration so that the containment is placed safely, for example in schools, care homes or public spaces, data cabling needs to be out of sight and reach for optimum safety.

Experienced Cabling

At One Way, our data cabling team in Stoke have experience with networks of varying sizes and have provided cable containment for a variety of industries. From installing phone lines for small start-up companies, through to keeping the data of hundreds of people safe on behalf of large corporations, there is no data cabling job to small or grand for our experienced contractors. Using a combination of cable ladders, cable trays, trunking, conduit and wire baskets our team ensure that cable containment is safe, neat and secure against faults so that your company can progress, grow and thrive safely in the knowledge that you’re online.

For more information about our data cabling in Stoke call our team on 01782 595 600.

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