A Business Guide: Maintenance of Electricals


Like most things in life, electrical components and installations require regular maintenance to stay in top condition. Where businesses are concerned this is not only good practice but is a legal requirement under several health and safety laws which encourage the protection of staff harm. Ensuring that everything from the staff room kettle to the internal wiring is faultless, working efficiently and doesn’t pose a threat is also key to ensuring that energy costs are as low as possible, carbon footprints are small, and business can continue to thrive.

Fire alarms

Regular maintenance of electricals includes inspection and testing of the very systems employed to keep the business safe – the fire alarms. These systems should be tested weekly by caretaking staff for the building, who should also record their findings in the systems logbook and immediately rectify any problems. Once every 6 months companies are required to source a specialist to inspect their system to ensure compliance with current regulations and produce an overall report.

Thermographic Surveys

Sometimes faults in electrics are not easy to identify, either because the problem is internal wiring that is in walls or sealed trunking, or because there are seemingly no tell-tale signs of a problem. A thermographic survey can be employed to monitor heat levels of electrical installations and identify any areas where there is a load imbalance or potential fault in a system, without anybody coming into contact with it.


Many businesses use emergency lighting to light external areas such as walkways and car parks, as well as to display emergency exits and hazardous areas. As the purpose of emergency lighting installations is to keep employees safe, it must always be free from dirt, working adequately and able to run on a back up battery, which is why maintenance of this electrical system is required regularly.

For more information of to book a service for maintenance of your electricals call our team on 01782 595 600 today.

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