Importance of Emergency Light Testing


Businesses have a duty of care to ensure that their property is meeting all the necessary regulations, in order to keep everybody safe and protect reputations. Part of this obligation not only requires the installation of emergency lighting, but also the maintaining and testing of such fixtures. Although LED lighting is considered relatively low risk, regular testing is important to ensure that in the event of a mains power failure, lighting is still available to employees.


If the mains power fails it could easily lead to injury if people are immersed in darkness and cannot find their way to safety. Depending on the industry, both customers and employees may be at risk of both physical danger and emotional distress. Having emergency lighting in place can help ensure that people can find emergency exits with ease or continue with the normal workflow if the danger level is relatively low. Emergency lighting testing in Stoke ensures that all installations are working which gives both employers and staff peace of mind and ensures the safety of the property.


Emergency lighting testing in Stoke checks tubing inside of the light fittings is working to its full capacity but more importantly, focuses on the emergency back-up battery lifespan. The aim of  emergency lighting is that it works primarily when there is an outage of power, so any flaws in battery lifespan need to be identified and quickly rectified. The industry standard is 3 hours minimum for emergency escape lighting and thus part of the testing involves switching off mains power and measuring the active time of the lighting.


Annual emergency lighting tests must be performed by an experienced and qualified electrical contractor in order to be compliant. The team at One Way can carry out testing one a one-off or rolling basis as part of a maintenance contract. It doesn’t matter if another company installed your lighting, we are happy to carry out any necessary repairs and maintenance.

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