A 3 Step Emergency Light Company


Businesses that have premises are required by various laws to protect their employees from harm at work, including preventing accidents and injuries. Our emergency light company plays a key role in keeping businesses across Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Cheshire safe by offering a 3-step emergency light service covering design, installation and ongoing maintenance and testing. By employing just one contractor to take care of every element of emergency lighting at a company, businesses can save time and money.


As an emergency light company, our relationship with our clients usually begins before they have appropriate measures in place. Whether a business is setting up its first emergency lighting network, expanding an existing one or replacing an outdated one, our experts are able to design a system that is bespoke to the needs of the client. Working across industries including retail, office and industrial sites, we can provide a competitive quote and use our years of experience to ensure that we meet all the health and safety regulations necessary.


Installing emergency lighting requires a unique set of skills and a serious of accreditations so that businesses can be sure their emergency light company is providing a competent and safe product. All electrical contractors at our emergency light company carry CHAS, IPAF, PASMA and NICEIC accreditations so that all of our customers can rest assured they are adhering to the most rigorous standards set by these important watchdogs.


Arguably one of the most important tasks of any emergency light company is that they are able to offer testing and maintenance. The same laws that protect employees from harm at work, state that for this to be continued emergency lighting installation needs to be regularly tested for faults and to ensure that their batteries are adequate for real emergencies, by simulating power outages. At One Way, we can offer bespoke maintenance packages so that business can ensure the safety of everyone and that they are legally covered.

For more information about our emergency light company and what we can do, call us on 01782 595 600.

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