4 Common Emergency Lighting Mistakes


When it comes to implementing a high-quality system, emergency lighting companies like ours are equipped to provide a bespoke system that meets the unique requirements of a premises. For the period that we have been in operation, we’ve seen business making many common pitfalls with their systems that can be dangerous, expensive and even catastrophic.

Testing Frequency

One of the most common oversights we see from building owners is the failure to test their emergency lighting frequently enough. Emergency lighting companies are required to simulate failures in power and test the duration of battery life to ensure that the business complies with the BS 5266 and keeps all occupants safe. However, it’s not uncommon for us to arrive only to find that the daily and monthly testing has gone un-completed for some time.

No Annual Test

The same legislation states that all luminaires must be tested annually for the duration of their 3-hour battery and all fittings must be adequately illuminated throughout this period. Any failures must be detested and rectified immediately and logged in the fire safety logbook. Many businesses simply forget to book their next annual test, but this leaves them in a vulnerable position.

Poor Design

Emergency lighting companies often see https://www.onewayelectrical.co.uk/emergency-lighting-services/systems that are behind the times when it comes to designing a solution prised for a modern working environment. In corridors and down escape routes, the central line must be illuminated to at least 1 lux but many older systems do not meet these requirements, directly endangering the staff, visitors and even customers.

Taken for Granted

As one of the most important considerations when fitting a new building or upgrading a system, emergency lighting is a big deal for businesses. In spite of this, many take its importance for granted and see it as a low priority additional cost but actually, there are hundreds of UK businesses fined every year because of inadequate emergency lighting!

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