Put safety first when caring for others – electrical inspections


In a care setting, keeping up-to-date with electrical inspections is vital to ensuring the wellbeing of those being looked after.

Families take it for granted that facilities offering care for others will maintain a safe and reliable electrical system.

Whether running a care home for the elderly, or a nursery providing day care for young children, regular electrical inspections are essential to allowing operations to run smoothly.

Keeping a routine

To those being looked after, routine can be an important factor, in particular mealtimes. Regular electrical inspections can help to ensure your hard work to establish a routine and meet expectations are not laid to waste by a surprise electrical fault.

In a care setting routine can be a comfort to those being looked after, and any change in that routine – for whatever reason – can cause unnecessary anxiety.

Regular electrical inspections and testing will help to identify any faults, or problems, with kitchen equipment in advance of it becoming a serious disruption. Suddenly having to cater for up to 60 people without a fully-working kitchen is a recipe for disaster.

Safety First

As all electrical systems deteriorate with age, they need to be regularly checked to cut the risk of any harm or of a fire breaking out.

Legal requirements state that care homes must carry out electrical inspections – more specifically fixed wiring testing – every five years. At the very least care facilities need to meet these demands. When being trusted to care for someone’s loved ones, safety must always come first.

Essential lighting

Settings where the care of vulnerable people is a priority will also need to be extra vigilant that lighting always remains in full working condition, as this is another factor that could cause needless anxiety – or in the worst case compromise the wellbeing of those being looked after in a care home.

Emergency lighting also needs to be in place to meet fire safety legislation. One Way can design and install emergency lighting systems, as well as carry out electrical inspections to check that the main lighting system remains in good working condition, keeping everybody safe.

Get in touch to talk about an electrical inspection

Book an electrical inspection or lighting consultation with one of our qualified electricians at a date and time to suit you. Complete the online form or email us here. Alternately, call us on 01782 595 600.

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