Electrical Contractors Near You


One Way have never made it a secret that we are based in Stoke, Staffordshire and are proud that our electrical contractors serve the local area with our extensive set of services. But, did you know that we can also provide design, installation and maintenance of electricals to businesses and industries in Derbyshire, Cheshire and Manchester too? During the time we have been operating, we’ve even gone as far as Scotland as we are happy to provide our expertise on larger projects that may be further afield. So, if you’re asking yourself what we can do for your businesses outside of Staffordshire, read on!

Design, Installation & Maintenance

Our electrical contractors in these areas can complete a variety of electrical design, installation and maintenance jobs. We cover all of the basics including fire alarms, emergency lighting, LED lighting, mains distribution and data cabling and can both design and install these for new premises or existing buildings. Aside from that, we also offer maintenance packages on all of our installations, installation set up by other companies and can include PAT testing, load monitoring and thermographic surveys to boot.

Project Management

If your company is about to expand into new premises, build an extension or even start from the ground up, then our electrical contractors are able to complete a package of electrical services including the design, installation and entire project management, from conception to completion. Working closely with you, we can create a cost-effective solution that encompasses wiring, lighting, electrical commissioning and testing to ensure that your businesses are electrically sound and legally compliant.

Bespoke Solutions

We know that not every business will have the same electricity requirements, which is why our electrical contractors can provide bespoke solutions to a wide variety of issues. Whether that means retrofitting wiring into listed buildings or incorporating lots of heavy machinery into a distribution system, our team have years of experience that help us effectively problem solve in these cases.

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